It's going to feel so good to get your NEW grad RDH toolkit! 🧰

NEW grad RDH, your transition toolkit 🧰🦷 

Top 3 topics NEW grad RDHs asked for!
Meet up over Zoom, small group session, limited seats.
May 29, 2024
(noon PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET)
Rescheduled for June
  • Format

    Online webinar, recorded
  • Webinar date

  • Speaker

    Nadia Rossi, RDH
    Claire Jeong, MS, RDH
  • Duration

    2 hr + QA
    (Total 3 hr)

⚠️Limited to 30 seats/webinar⚠️
🤑Early bird special pricing: $30 off 🤑

RDH New Grad
Corporate vs
Private Dental Office
Which is Better?

How to make informed decisions about your future career path as an RDH.

March 27, 2024 
4pm PST | 7pm EST
Live Webinar
Write your awesome label here.

Honestly, being a NEW Grad RDH is tough.
Even tougher than being a student.

School: You "paid" for your tuition. Faculties had an obligation to nurture you and provide you the answers to anything you needed (even if it does not feel that way!). Faculties had your back, and you were guided.
Work: You are now "paid" to work. The expectations are very different. You have to "produce" for the office, from DAY 1. 

NEW Grad RDH life

✔️ You will be making $$, yay!
✔️ You will be more independent, NO MORE competency, homework, and exams, yay!
✔️ You will have time for weekend brunch with friends, yay!
✔️ You will treat lots of patient, and faster. NO MORE 4 hrs appointments!
❌ Dentist, RDHs, office manager... They don't have time to answer your questions or to guide you. 
❌ You are expected to "make money" for the office from DAY 1.
❌ You have less than 1 hr (typically) per patient.
❌ You will have to code, and be knowledgeable in billings. BUT school never taught you those skills.
❌ You are alone in your operatory, it can feel lonely. It feels good to have less supervision (compared to school), but also, you won't have any mentorship. Basically, good luck surviving on your own!
❌ Offices don't give you special treatment because you are a NEW Grad RDH.
❌ Difficult patients? Who cares, you are expected to do your best, and no one to help you out. 

Every year, NEW grads ask us to mentor them through their first jobs. They have all sorts of questions:

❓ Do you know if an office is hiring?
❓ How much salaray should I ask for?
❓ I am doing a working interview this weekend, give me any tips!
❓ What is production? They will me they will pay me bonus on production, what does that mean?
❓ Do you have courses on coding and billing?
❓ I have never had an 1 hr appointment at school. Tell me what I should do!
❓ What are red flags and green flags for a dental office?
❓ What if I don't want to work five days a week?
❓ Do I get lunch time?
❓ Do I bring my own instrument?
And thousands of more questions..

That's why StudentRDH has NEW Grad RDH programs!
We really care about you. We want you to find amazing jobs, fit in from the beginning, and grow as competent RDHs who will rule the world.

Want to check out what we have for you?

Ready to be the new grad everyone wants to hire?

2 tracks
Guaranteed result

RDH New Grad

  • Bundle of Top 10 Topics RDH wished they knew as new grads
  • On-demand, recorded (rewatch as needed)
  • Summary and worksheets
  • Bonus: counts towards your mandatory license renewal continuing education credits
  • Topic examples: dental insurance, the ideal 1-hr appointment, top 5 mistakes, etc.

RDH New Grad
Monthly Mentorship

  • QA burning questions + answers + support
  • Monthly LIVE 1 hr course (Zoom)
  • Monthly LIVE 1 hr group mentorship meeting (Zoom)
  • Everything is recorded
  • Stop membership anytime, no penalty
  • Topic examples: working interviews, ethical conflicts, how to use your down time, etc.
  • Doors open only QUARTERLY (apr, july, oct, jan)
"I am so glad I took the new grad courses. I finally feel like I am ready."
-Tanya B. RDH

of RDH New Grads would recommend the programs

Learn immediately what took RDHs 5 years to know

RDH New Grads enrolled

How do the RDH New Grad program work? You can sit back, and we will share knowledge and support.

This is NOT class (like in DH school). No homework, no expectations. Just show up, listen, and leave feeling great!

  • On-demand courses: Play them anytime. In your car, during lunch break. Just relax and absorb!

  • LIVE mentorship courses: Attend and learn. Cannot join the LIVE event (Zoom)? No problem, the course are recorded and will be available in your dashboard the next day.

  • LIVE mentorship meetings: We will start with a short presentatiom, followed by problem solving real life situations. PLUS, we will do a rapid round of burning questions, so you can leave with answers and support.

Not ready yet?
Get updates and discounts for the next round!